
20 November, 2007

Hocus Pocus

I don't really believe in chiropractors. Don't ask me why - maybe because I've never been to one before. Maybe I don't think that back-popping is really a science.

So I went to the chiropractor this morning, and I'm no more convinced. Maybe that's because they haven't done anything to me yet. I had some x-rays taken, which will apparently be evaluated at the doctors' meeting this afternoon, and then I'm to go back at 5:30 for my first real appointment.

I wonder if I'll have to pay another $20 co-pay.

No co-pay. But they did tell me that the part of my spine from my head to my shoulders is curved almost the exact opposite way it's supposed to be. I'm still skeptical. I told Scott I feel like when you go to get your oil changed and they show you a brown blob on a piece of paper and tell you you need the super-deluxe $100 magic potion. So if there is something really wrong with me, I'm happy to let them crack me back into place, but I'm not as concerned as maybe I should be. On the bright side, the parts of my back that do hurt are just fine. Go figure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just so you know, the adjustments sometimes make you sick ... but they're good anyway.