
23 April, 2006

Photo Printer

I made a goof of epic proportions today.

A few weeks back when I was creating my "ancient history" family photo album, I lost one of the pictures. I opened up the top of the scanner to put more pictures in, and one stuck to the top and then fell behind the printer. I figured it was safe back there, and at the time there were boxes and boxes in front of the printer stand and I couldn't dig it out.

Today I ordered something online for my mom for mother's day (just a trinket, really... don't get too excited) and decided to print out the order form. As the printer was printing, all of a sudden my missing picture popped out... covered in text!

I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. Actually, my first instinct was to scan it and blog about it... but a) then Mom would know about her super gift-to-be and b) Scott realized that the ink rubs off with minimal effort. So two paper towels later, the picture was restored to almost mint condition. However, I still wanted to re-create the image so that I'll always remember what happens when you leave pictures on the scanner.

And while I'm sharing pictures, here's today's newest cat-in-the-box picture.

Milo is absolutely absurd sometimes. Here he is actually sitting in a box that's the width and length of a DVD, and maybe 4 or 5 inches high. He sat in there for a good long while, just acting all dignified pretending to be comfortable in such a strange position.

Actually, I feel a little bad for him. He's absolutely surrounded by boxes, but they are all too full for him to make himself comfortable. And this is his consolation prize.

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