
18 August, 2008

Storm's A Comin'!

You know what my favorite thing to do on my days off is? I enjoy sitting on my tush and watching movies. If I didn't have to, I don't think I'd even leave the house most days. So there's a good portion of me that's quite pleased to see that we're going to be under water on Tuesday and Wednesday.

There's also another part of me that says "landfall at Ft. Myers? That's where Aunt Rose is!" And there's part of me concerned about Scott's family out in Polk County. And there's part of me worried about ME. Sure, there's no huge risk from tropical storm winds and flooding if you live on the third floor. Our roof survived all of the '05 hurricanes just fine. And inland, most of the fatalities are from driving when the authorities specifically told you not to.
I got Scott out of bed early* today (after he worked until around 4 am) to go grocery shopping so that we would have no reason to risk life and limb tomorrow or Wednesday. It was crazy! The store was certainly more prepared than I was planning to be. They took out the aisle of tacky tourist crap right in front and replaced it with a WALL of cases of little water bottles. The next aisle set up was all canned goods - tuna, vienna sausages, canned pasta, etc. It really wasn't any busier than when we usually shop, but maybe it just felt like that because they had more than half the registers open for a change.
Speaking of shopping early, I am ashamed of our trip today. We didn't eat before we left, so we ended up with oreos (hey - they were on sale, and who knows how long those banana ones will be around?), chips and dip, and some other random junk foods. Oh, and a bottle of cheap champagne for local news-related drinking games. We were going to get subs for lunch, but the local fire department made a line 6 deep. Apparently they felt the need to "rescue" the lunch meat. So instead we stopped at KFC on the way home.
So if the power goes out, we're good for a few days with cold chicken, cookies, cereal, junk food, and tuna sandwiches. Party at Casa ParkHopper!
Well, wish us luck. And take care of yourselves too!
* a little before 11:00

1 comment:

Minima said...

We are also hip deep in chips, tuna, cases of water and the Banana Split Oreos! Mm! (Golf Guy says they also have strawberry but I haven't seen them in stores yet.) Ultimately that's a bright side to tropical storms and baby 'canes - the excuse to eat junk for a few days. Didn't even think about cheap booze for a local news drinking game but that's a great idea for next time!

I sincerely doubt we get anything beyond a steady breeze here but really that's all it takes in our area to knock out the electricity for a day. Hopefully we'll at least get some decent rain.

Can you believe Golf Guy has to work tomorrow? :: pout :: Kitty and I will just have to spend the day in bed watching TLC and old movies.

Good luck and you guys stay safe!