
22 May, 2008

We're Home

...and it looks like all the pets survived, despite Milo's creative Photoshoppery to the contrary!

I have 199 photos from the trip to go through and edit. I'm sure you'll see them in bits and pieces over the next few days. To start, here's four: the view from our hotel room (yeah - that's the CNN Center!), the view from the rooftop lounge (worth $10 a drink? you decide), two of the whale sharks (the reason for our visit), Scott and I wearing yet another set of 3D glasses (at World of Coke).
Did you miss me??


Anonymous said...

Welcome home!

Janette said...

Totally worth the $10 drinks for that view!

Did you do the behind the scenes CNN tour?

Golf Guy and I are totally jealous - we were talking about it at lunch today and we someday hope to replicate your trip.

Glad your both back safe. Can't wait to see the photos!