
03 May, 2008


Earlier tonight, I was standing in the waiting area shared by The Restaurant and another restaurant chatting with Number Two (actually, dishing about how The Restaurant is like the "grown-up" table at Thanksgiving and the other restaurant is like the kids' table). As we were wrapping up our conversation, my focus was shifted to a family of four - two grown ups and two little girls - waiting for their table at the other restaurant. A man in a bright blue Mickey t-shirt (which is probably why my attention went there) walked past where the family was sitting, stopped dead in his tracks, and took two steps backward (no - didn't turn around - actually back-stepped).

blue shirt guy: You look just like Moderately Famous Writer
family guy: Nah...he's much better looking than I am.

At which point family man stood up and shook blue shirt guy's hand and said it was a pleasure to meet him. Blue shirt guy said something friendly back, walked away, and family guy went back to being the family guy. So yeah - I was 5 feet away from someone I aspire to be when I grow up: someone who writes funny stories about their life, has a mass audience, and makes money doing it!

It was pretty cool.

I was also pretty impressed about how that situation went down. Both men were, I think, the perfect amount of friendly. There was no pestering for autograph and also no aloof-celebrity-ness. It's how I'd like to imagine the day I meet any of my boyfriends... although I would be happy to sign an autograph for any of them!

Sadly, none of the managers of either restaurant knew who he was. It sucks being star-struck when no one around you is as impressed by the situation as you are. Oh well... it still tickled me to death!


Janette said...

WHO?!? Seriously, I'm just dying to know.

Anonymous said...

Wow! And he's so humble! He actually admitted that he's not as handsome as himself!