I haven't had much to talk about on the running front recently. That's probably because I haven't been doing any running. In order to run before work, I would have to wake up at 3am. That's a big fat NO! And by the time I get home, it's 90+ degrees or raining. And by the time the sun goes down, I'm in bed.
That changes soon. I bought a treadmill and am waiting for it to be delivered. It's going to live in the garage, with a fan, and I'll be out there 3 days a week. It's time to start training again!
I recently bought a crazy pair of silver leggings as a base for a running outfit (I refuse to call it a costume) for the Space Coast Half Marathon. And last night when I was laying in bed not sleeping, I was brainstorming how to turn the silver leggings into an awesome outfit. I came up with a sparkly black tulle ruffled skirt and some sort of space-themed top, but then I couldn't figure out how to make the skirt. (yes, I literally was contemplating sewing patterns. WTF?) So today I found a kids' pattern online that I think would work for my purposes and started to visually put the pieces together. Here's what I'm currently contemplating:
So...the Space Coast Half is the first Sunday of December. The following Saturday (yep, 6 days later) I am signed up for the Orlando Half. For that one, I found some sparkly orange organza that I'd like to use for a skirt (hoping for a 1/2 price sale around Halloween), and I thought it would be fun to find a shirt with an old Florida postcard image or Disney's Orange Bird. Cute, right?
And of course, it's never too early to start thinking about the 2014 Princess Half Marathon Weekend! I signed up for the inaugural Glass Slipper Challenge, which is two races in two days - the new Enchanted 10K on Saturday and then the Princess Half on Sunday. I thought it would be fun to go fairly costumed up for the 10K, since it's less than half the distance/time to have to handle wearing silly pieces, and am currently digging the visual of the sisters of PNK sorority from Monsters University. I'd have to experiment with the fuzzy leg pieces, but I think I could stitch them right to the bottom of a pair of capris.
...and then for the Princess Half, I think something quirky but sensible (again, obviously wrong shoes) with a nod to Disney but without going Princess would be great. What do you think?
So yes, I'm currently planning outfits to wear 5-8 months from now. Just don't ask what I'm wearing to work tomorrow!
The one with the spaceman is AWESOME!
I seriously love all of these! They made me smile. :)
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