
02 June, 2009

Minding My Business

"Accomplishing the impossible means only that the boss will add it to your regular duties." ~Doug Larson

I've had quite an exciting few days at work. I've been solving problems that we've been banging our heads against, streamlining some processes and centralizing information, and giving my manager a few new gray hairs (the last one is strictly a recreational activity!).

Tonight I actually stayed late to run through some stuff I've been working on with the manager, and I really thought what I had was ok. It was imperfect and inconvenient, but better than anything else we'd managed to come up with. And in the 10 minutes we spent talking about it, we went from "yeah, that's ok" to "can we do this?" (my answer: "no") "well what about this?" (my answer: "no") "I wish we could make this happen." (my answer: "OH MY GOD YES! AND I KNOW HOW TO DO THAT! LET ME FIDDLE WITH IT TOMORROW!")


My brain hurts for the first time in over a year. I had forgotten what it's like to feel challenged by my job. And I miss it! So tomorrow when I get in, I'm going to start from square one based on what we discussed tonight, and teach myself some new formulae in Excel. Example: "=(sheet1!b2:b6)" I have basically just tomorrow to figure out whether we're going to be going with my "old" plan from 2 days ago or the new plan because we have to roll this out next week and I'm off 5 of the next 7 days.

1 comment:

wickedmess said...

There aren't enough "Eureka!" moments in life. I really hope that you enjoyed yours!

Good luck with Excel and the potential solution.