
29 March, 2008

Chocolate Cake

In a severe fit of PMS, I made chocolate cupcakes this weekend. I found out that the average box of cake mix makes 24 cupcakes, and I had only one muffin tin. So I made 12 cupcakes and 1 9" round cake. But since it was only 1 layer high, it was a short cake.

I also made some slight modifications: after I poured the cupcakes and got them baking, I added a big heaping spoonful of peanut butter to the cake mix for the round cake. The batter was overwhelmingly peanut buttery, but it was too late to turn back! It turns out that peanut butter bakes off (?) during the cooking process, and you could barely taste it in the finished product.

I also took a can of chocolate frosting and added (slightly less) peanut butter to it for the cupcakes. The result: a mild peanut butter flavor, and a significantly less sweet frosting. They are delicious.

That might explain why I had one for breakfast this morning!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU: I also made some slight modifications.

ME: My father's legacy lives on!