
24 May, 2008

Off His Rocker?

I can't decide what to think of Keith Olberman's "special comment" from last night. Mostly, I think that he's really feigning his outrage and stretching to make his point. But he does give me pause.

I wonder if people who remember 1968 are more likely to go along with him. Opinions?


Janette said...

Eh, I only made it through 1:30 of his "special comment" before I had to turn it off. I think Olbermann is full of manufactured outrage, as usual. I am sooo not a fan of people who make a living by being constantly full of righteous indignation.

I do think that people who remember the assassinations of the 60s; JFK, RFK, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr, are more likely to have an emotional reaction to the comment. As to Olbermann's point, I just think it was an incredibly stupid mistake on Clinton's part. It's just not wise to mention assassination during a presidential campaign, especially if your opponent is a black man. Part of the black community is already convinced that Obama will never be president, that Hillary will either steal the nomination or, failing that, have him killed.

The good news is that this pretty much eliminates any possibility of Obama selecting Hillary as his running mate.

Anonymous said...

I know that Hilary didn't mean to let that slip out! And B. Hussein Obama was right ... and gracious ... to say she's just tired and stressed from the business of campaigning. But nothing pops out of a mouth that didn't begin as a thought in the head! Her mental stop sign was off duty!

But back to your question ... geez! What a blowhard!