
19 February, 2009

Feels Like a Sick Day

Today is a regularly scheduled day off, but Scott's schedule was switched for his regular department meeting (which was subsequently cancelled, but he still had to go), so I'm home alone.

The sky is gray, and the apartment is so dark I'm about to turn on some lights.

And I had the worst cramps in recent memory this morning. I moaned, I whined, I medicated, I paced, I drank water, I cuddled with the heating pad, and I Wiied. I also spent time on the floor alternately laying on my stomach and curled up in the fetal position.

Alas, things are looking up. My uterus is slowly relaxing, and the rain has started. I love the sound of rain, especially when I don't have to drive or otherwise function in it.

Today will continue to be a pajama day. I'm doing laundry so that we don't have to worry about it tomorrow. The trade-off of me doing laundry by myself is that Scott will grocery shop by himself on Saturday. He doesn't know that yet. Shh... no sense bothering him at work!


Minima said...

Yay! Pajama day! I hope it's relaxing for you.

Does the Wii help with cramps? If so maybe GYNs could prescribe Wiis and we could get insurance to pay for them. No?

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh! Pajama days! It ALMOST makes me miss cramps!