
18 February, 2008

This Box of Chocolates is Like Life!

Scott bought me a Whitman's Sampler heart-o-goodness for V.D. this year. I haven't had one in a million years, and was so excited to have good chocolate for a change (as opposed to the crap we bring to work to share).

I was a little surprised when I opened the box and discovered there was no map. I didn't know which were caramel, nougat, or coconut. I still don't! We managed to figure out the cherry cordials without much ado, but I'm constantly getting frustrated with the different truffle flavors. Luckily, I'll eat just about anything covered in good chocolate (but NO BUGS), and can handle a little "white mystery filling" in my life.

But it's so true: You never know what you're gonna get!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life without a map! Not a bad concept, really. At the end you many have a wonderful surprise instead of a bunch of lemon chiffon!