
09 May, 2008

Hillary in the Movies

FYI, I am knocking some serious wood as I type this.

On Tuesday night, I watched Obama's victory speech in North Carolina. At one point, wiping away my tears of joy, I looked over to Scott and noted that he had only mentioned Hillary's name in the very beginning of the speech. After that, the speech was pretty much about why he was a better man for the job than John McCain. "Huh... he's acting like he's moving on. That's excellent!"

And the next day, the news media all pretty much agreed. That warmed my heart too. But then the rest of the political news was devoted to Hillary and when they thought she might bow out. After winning the next two, so that she can go out on top? Before the convention? At the convention? After the inauguration?

Ever since I started hearing these stories, I just keep having random movie lines pop into my head. And now I will share them with you:

Goonies never say die!

I'm not dead yet. (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)

Another from MPatHG:
King Arthur: [after Arthur's cut off both of the Black Knight's arms] Look, you stupid Bastard. You've got no arms left.
Black Knight: Yes I have.
King Arthur: *Look*!
Black Knight: It's just a flesh wound.

And then there's this one from The Princess Bride that keeps popping into my head. I don't know why: I killed you too quickly the last time. A mistake I don't mean to duplicate tonight.


Anonymous said...

Last year .... at candidate camp ....

Or we can do a series of songs:
Na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye!

Go away little girl!
Call it a day little girl!

Step out the back, Jack.
Make a new plan, Stan.
No need to be coy, Roy, just listen to me.
Hop on the bus, Gus.
No need to discuss much.
Drop off the key, Lee,
and set yourself free.

Hit the road, Jack!

Janette said...

The quote from Monty Python is perfect! Perfect!!!