
29 June, 2008

Strep Mining

If you're looking for me today (or were looking yesterday), don't bother looking at work. In fact, don't really look for me anywhere. I'm most likely on the couch, and most likely catatonic (with an orange feline heating pad on my chest).

I'm sick.

And we all know that I whine fairly often about a stiff neck or a headache, but I drag myself to work and get the heck over it. That's what I did on Friday. I woke up and when Scott asked if I felt any better than the day before, I started to cry. But it was just a sore throat. No headache, no congestion, no fever. I muddled through the day, bolstered by the orange juice that Scott brought me along with a pack of throat lozenges (and not the kind that taste you know they are working).

I left work 1/2 hour early, at 10 pm, and proceeded to get stuck in the worst 192 traffic ever. I got home at 11:25 and called Scott and had a complete melt down. It went something along the lines of "Iwenthomeearly... becauseIdidn'tfeelgood... andI'mhomelate... andIwanttogotosleep... andnotwakeupforaweek..." Also, my digital thermometer is on the fritz, but I managed to get a reading of 99.3.

Yesterday morning, I woke up and took my temperature again - 100.3. No work for me! Fevers apparently exhaust me more than I realized, given my mental state the day before. By the time we made it over to the walk-in clinic down the road, my BP was high, my pulse was high, my oxygen was low, and my temperature was now 101.7! The diagnosis? Strep throat. No surprise, given my (mostly) lack of other symptoms. It still hurt to swallow, but swallowing was easier when I was drinking something. The doctor told me to take a decongestant to get the crap out of my lungs and when I asked if I was contagious, he said yes, until 1 hour after I take my first Amoxicillin. Seriously??

So yesterday I watched movies and TV, ate soup and ice cream, took a nap, and drank a lot of orange juice and water. That's pretty much the plan for today as well.

Today, I didn't wake up until 11:30, and realized that I was seriously congested. Two tissues full of snot later, I decided to take a shot of alka seltzer and then get in the shower and try to knock the rest of it loose. "The rest of it" turned out to be a golf ball-sized wad of disgustingness that flew right out of my right nostril with the help of some shower steam. (aren't you glad I don't have a stomach flu?)

Anyway, my throat doesn't hurt as bad today. On a scale of 1-10, I'll give it a 4 or 5. However, both ears hurt, I'm all snotty, and I'm pretty sure the fever is still there. The thermometer finally died yesterday - there's another one around here, but I don't really care enough to tear the house apart looking for it.

So like I said, don't look for me. I'm quarantined until at least Tuesday.

Now go wash your hands!


Janette said...

Yuck! I HATE strep because it is one of those things that does make me feel just awful and miserable and whiny and pathetic. Yeah, it makes me cry - not so much out of pain, more out of self pity. Let's blame it on the fever. :-D

I prescribe lots of OJ, a soft cushy spot on the couch, plenty of cat love and liberal dose of Bravo and TLC programming (I'll wish for a What Not to Wear marathon for you). And naps, lots of naps.

Feel better!

Anonymous said...

hey! I'm off Wednesday at 2:30 ... want me to bring you some matzo ball soup? I'd love to see you too! Only ... I can't share the soup with you on accounta it brings out my hot flashes like nobody's business!!!!

Jamie the ParkHopper said...

Actually Janette, it was a Jon and Kate Plus 8 marathon, which I think I watched for 3 hours.

And mom, thanks for the offer, but Scott made me soup yesterday (from scratch - with chicken bones) with chicken and carrots and matzo balls. I had it for lunch and dinner yesterday. I'm hoping to be better enough Weds for Encore rehearsal. I can't afford to miss more than one this week.

Minima said...

Jon and Kate Plus 8: Kate totally reminds me of my other SIL, Lana! Hair, voice, attitude, everything!

Kate gets a lot of grief online but I think she totally rocks for being able to handle/organize/raise 8 itty bitty kids at once. I know that I'd never be able to do it.

J&K+8 is too stressful for sickbed viewing! You need mindless chilling. Hopefully you caught the Queer Eye mini-marathon this morning. Excellent modern happy ending fluff!