
14 August, 2008

King of the Rock?

Nah... I think Princess of the rock is more appropriate!

I'll be honest: Scott put Elphie up on the top shelf of the climbing tree. Don't judge us too harshly - it's just that none of our cats ever climbed higher than the second shelf. We wanted to see what she would do. She sat, she lounged, she played with the pull-string on the blinds. I think it's safe to say she liked it. Confirmation of this fact came within a half hour when we both sat stunned (my mouth agape) watching her do this:
She's climbing! And this isn't normal cat-in-a-tree climbing with claws. She's climbing this thing* like a freaking ladder! The wires aren't that thick - I can't believe she enjoys climbing it. But we witnessed her doing it three separate times. Luckily, she doesn't seem too freaked out by the height - she also jumps down from 5 feet up when she's done.
My guess? She likes being king - no, princess - of the rock!
And Mom, to answer your question, I really don't know how they get along. I think the relationship looks quite healthy and happy. They certainly don't cuddle, but the boys seem to take turns chasing and being chased by Elphie. Kilo gets her on her back and bites her throat and her belly, but she doesn't fight/bite/scratch/yell so I'm guessing it's no rougher than when I "attack" her belly. We watched her last night jump off the "coffee table" (see below) straight onto Milo's head, and then they chased each other around for a while. It's more fun to watch than the Olympics.
Also, the Olympics are more fun to watch when you have a kitten stretched across your chest or curled up next to you.
Hell, everything is better with kitten.
*"This thing" is one of Scott's two plant shelves made of cubes. Formerly found on the balcony, they moved inside on Sunday due to impending exterior painting of our apartment building. The painting was slated for two full weeks, but the notice said 2 final coats of colored paint, which is what I believe they put up today. Who knows? The other plant shelf is currently in the middle of the living room, laying flat, acting as temporary coffee table/cat bed (there's a blanket thrown over it).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK! Who wiped "Jesus Loves You" off the memo board?

It's amazing what you see on a desktop sized photo!