Bird's eye view of the neighborhood. Please note that Scott's house has a pool. Sadly, it must not have a heater, since it's partially frozen!
The front of Casa de Jamie. I'm particularly proud of my flower/tree beds. And in case you noticed that the path was made from halved Ghirardelli squares, don't worry. They are left-over candy from last Christmas, just like those Kisses on the roof!
Scott's house from the front. He made a snowman, but it's out of focus in this picture. I also totally dig his pool and his shoveled-but-still-has-snow-on-it walkway. It's like he grew up in my neighborhood!
It turns out that gingerbread (ok, graham cracker) houses are another of those things that Scott never did as a kid. He did pretty well - cut his own crackers, made the icing, and did some really cool stuff with candy. What a fun way to spend an afternoon. Of course, now we have 20 pounds of left-over candy, and had to move the houses to the bedroom to keep the cats away from them.
How about a little contest with no prizes?
Who can name the most candies on the houses?
ok, this seems kinda silly, but kind of cute all at the same time, so I am not sure what to make of it...
I guess overall I am jealous that I don't have that kind of free time and I epically don't have that much time with my wife....
Wow! I'm so jealous! It's been WAY too long since I've made candy houses. I made them in Bradenton in '04 with my client at that time. She had never done it, and had a ball. And I LOVE the graham cracker idea since gingerbread is difficult, and goes stale during the exhibition stage!
I think they're beautiful! And I think it's really cool that you two have so much fun together.
As for the contest, I'd have to get Golf Guy's help to name the candies. He's the candy expert - had you made them out of chips and pretzels I could have been competitive.
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