
07 January, 2008

Drama Drama Drama

I swear, it's not me.

I hope it's not me.

Is it me?

Does everyone step in steaming piles of metaphorical dog shit as much as I do? Yesterday I stepped in it, had it thrown at me, and had no recourse whatsoever.

The super-short version is that one of the servers at The Restaurant (which, by the way, is creating its own drama at the moment... but that's been fun!) accused me yesterday of helping one of the other servers get good tables by making up call parties for him. (Call parties are guests who request a specific server) She said that I let him see the seating charts in advance and pick the people he thought would be big tippers. She also implied that there was an illicit reason for my doing so. She spewed all of this at Number Two (The Boss is off Sundays) while I was sitting at my desk 10 feet away.

Aside: No matter how upset or pissed off I get about my job, I don't cry there. I cry at home. Or at least during my lunch when I'm alone in the office.

So after she left the office, while I was sitting at my desk trying to convince myself to keep doing my job and not run out to find Scott, Number Two asked if I was ok. I said yes. He came over and sat next to me and asked if I was really ok. And, blinking back tears, I asked him if he or The Boss had any doubts about my conduct in or out of the office, or about whether I had been fudging anything at all. He told me that the only thing they think about the way I do my job is that I'm freakishly good at it. He tried his best to convince me that no one else thinks the things that she said were true, but I'm not so sure.

The worst thing about this is that I really think I left myself open to this sort of attack. Last fall, there were only two people at work who knew about the Crap going on in my life, and this male server was one of them. He was always there with a hug and a kind word when I needed it. And I chose to ignore the raised eyebrows and smirks from some of the girls because I needed the support more than I needed the good reputation. Now I realize what a mistake that was.

What's really ironic about the situation is that this guy and I had an argument over a month ago and haven't really said more than "hello" or "good bye" or "Merry Christmas" to each other ever since.

Scott and Number Two have both advised me that the best thing I can do is to keep my mouth shut and wait for this to blow over. And I really don't have any choice but to do just that. I certainly can't bust into pre-meal and proclaim my purity. At the most, I don't think there are more than 4 people who share this suspicion. And there are probably twice that number who don't know any part of the story. There's no sense stirring up the pot.

And that's a good example of why I keep this blog. I get to tell my side of the story... vent about it... and let it go in time to go back to work on Thursday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some treasures from the book of Proverbs ... it's what Jews and Christians have in lieu of Confucius! LOL

Proverbs 18:2 A fool has no delight in understanding (reality), but (only) in expressing his own heart. (I think this is what a jealous server has done)

Proverbs 26:2 Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse (or a bogus accusation) without cause shall not alight.

Proverbs 26:20 Where there is no wood the fire goes out. (I think your decision to let this blow over is a very good one.)

Joshua 1:9 Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a lousy server will blame others for her shortcomings. (paraphrase from the EJV)