...a list of random odds & ends tied into one postYesterday The Restaurant got a new menu item: Grouper with Geoduck Clams. What's a geoduck? Well first of all, you pronounce it gooey-duck.
And here's some pictures. Did you blush a little? I was explaining to The Chef that The Husband (you know - Scott) was quite intrigued. After all, and product that has been featured on
Dirty Jobs,
No Reservations, and the
Bald Man's Quest for Disgusting Food must be tried! The Chef claimed he didn't know it had been on any of those shows, but I totally think it's on the menu
because it was on those shows.
Next Topic: Politics
(notice how I sandwiched between less divisive subject matter)
I want to move to Georgia so that I can vote for Rep. John Lewis (D-GA). Regarding the recent shenanigans at McCain-Palin rallies, he said:
"What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history. Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse,"
You should read the rest of
the article, too. Looks like McCain can dish it, but he can't take it.
And finally, a healing moment of kitten cuteness
Elphie then and now. Look how much bigger she is compared to the kitchen tiles:
Elph-butt is at that stage where she doesn't understand "no," and thinks that being on the kitchen counter might actually be worth getting hosed with the squirt bottle. In short, kitty adolescence. Scott and I have basically ruled out a Christmas tree this year, because she's insane and uncontrollable. I have that wreath from last year - I figure we'll throw a string of lights on it along with a dozen ornaments, and voila! Instant Christmas!
Milo's first Christmas was when I lived with Cat. We had a 18" fake tree I got from WalGreens. It sat on top of the entertainment center, and we locked Milo in the laundry room when we left home so that he wouldn't jump up there unsupervised and knock the whole thing down. Somehow it seems more humane to just rule out the tree this year!
Oh! this is so incredibly unfair! I have a million gueduck jokes, and I can't disclose them on accounta the mother/daughter code of dontalkaboutsex.
And I won't talk about politics with you.
So, what's it all about Elphie?
Are the Phillies still in the race?
The first time I voted in a presidential election, I voted for the wrong man.
Oh what a big, pretty girl!
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