
12 July, 2008

Red Eye Reduction

Who doesn't love a good eyeball picture? Oh, most people? Well, if that applies to you, just go ahead and skip over this entry!

So... it turns out Hot Shot to the eyes really is rather problematic!

This is one of those days when I can't adequately express just how stupid I feel. Or how cranky.

It isn't bad enough that my eyes are bright red and occasionally are also itchy/ burning/ watery.

It's not bad enough that I've removed a measurable amount of bright green eye boogies today.

But let's also remember that my eye glasses are a prescription older than my contacts and that the frames never really fit over my ears properly. So I'm walking around in a blurry world feeling slightly sea sick. Wearing the glasses two days in a row is going to give me a headache. It always does.

Also? I still have a sore throat and cough, and have taken so many medications recently that my stomach is pretty much queasy around the clock.

Scott thinks I need to seek medical attention. I just think I need to ride it out. Actually, I'll ride it out until around 11:00 on Monday. THEN I'll go to the doctor if necessary. But I guess then I'll have to decide whether to go to the eye doctor (since I actually have one of those that I'm established with) or back to the walk-in clinic. I don't want to be put back in antibiotics. Hell, I'm about to give up on all medicine!

I just need to take some time off to heal. Sadly, that's not an option.

Yes, I'm done whining now. Thank you for not judging me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG that doesn't look good. Scott's right; have your eyes looked at. Did you read the can, what does the can say?
WARNING, will kill anything but a roach.
I hope this goes away quickly. How are your lungs?