
22 July, 2007

Comments Are Sometimes Unnecessary

I have lamented to Scott recently that I feel AOL's practice of allowing comments on all of their news stories is just ridiculous.  The news does not need comments.  The true crazies will call up the news organization (or e-mail them, I guess) and make their comments that way.

It seems that there are an awful lot of people in the world who spend their days leaving comments strewn across the internet.  Why?  Maybe they are people who don't feel they get enough attention in the real world.  No, they don't have an opinion worth sharing on the crisis in Darfur, but they will happily make fun of the guy 5 posts ahead who misspelled Darfur.

Never more has this been more apparent to me than this evening during my lunch.  I was reading AOL News and clicked on a story about the St. Louis Arch power outage (  The top 5 comments in a row had been added by the same person (the same comment 5 times) - Tips for Giving Great Head.  And it was step-by-step instructions, as a later commenter pointed out, like they were copied from The Joy of Sex!

WHAT does that have to do with the Arch being without power?  A suggestion, perhaps, on how to kill time while waiting in the tiny tram compartments for 2 hours?  Or just another indicator of society's decline?  Or maybe just a hopeful, lonely guy.


Anonymous said...

Some people (sometimes me) leave comments because things move me, or I feel frustrated because I can't change the situation.

It's always good to have instructions on giving good head! All men can appreciate that! Study up ladies! Make your man happy!

Anonymous said...

I know how to knock the core out of a head of lettuce. It's in The Joy of Cooking! Study up, gentlemen! Make your woman a salad!