This was Tom's year to buy lunch. Did I mention that before? I think I did. Anyway, after we ordered, another waitress (our waiter was an ex-coworker's husband. if he recognized me, I probably ingested spit) came over to our table to say that another family was on the Dining Plan (pre-paid meals), were leaving today, they had three coupons left, and would like to pay for our lunch.
So I went over to thank them and gave them Scott's business card with my e-mail address on the back and asked them to get in touch next time they come to town. If they do, I'll try to hook them up with something cool and unusual. Seems like the least I could do!
...and then we added appetizers and desserts to our meal, since they were included. And all Tom ended up paying was an extra $10 tip. Gee Tom... thanks for lunch!
...and after we parted ways (see you next April!), Scott and I had time to ride the TTA before I had to leave for work. What a great little visit. :o)
Aw, that's so nice! You always meet the nicest, random people at Disney.
Ahhh, free food and the TTA! What a nice memory!
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