The Video
Scott sent me a video clip of the POTC ride in California, complete with Captain Jack animatronics. And did I mention that Johnny Depp was riding the ride?? They actually let him go up and get face-to-face with one of the Captain Jacks. It's surreal. And he's so dreamy!

The Ride
Scott and I got up early to go sign Janette & John into the park today, and we went over to Pirates after lunch at Tony's (mmm... sundried tomato pesto...). The wait was only 15 minutes and it was worth every second. They really did a great job updating a Disney Classic and integrating parts of the movie. I understand the Disney purists being wary after the way they butchered the Tiki Room, but it was great. Two thumbs up from me.
The Tonight Show (yes, The Tonight Show, stay with me here)
Last night after Scott got home from work, he was flipping channels and all of a sudden got a big earful of "hey go back! I know that guy!" from me. Brian Herzlinger, star of My Date with Drew and fellow alum of Cherokee High School, was on with Leno. It turns out he's a sometimes correspondent.
Yes, but we were on a Pirates kick. What does one have to do with the other?
I told you to stay with me!
Leno sent Brian to the red carpet of the Pirates premiere. And while he didn't get to interview Johnny, he did talk to Orlando and Keira, plus the Governator, Linda Carter, Marilyn Manson, and others. Here's the segment if you'd like to check it out. I particularly enjoy the people booing Arnold from the audience. Ouch!
This means I can totally track my own six degrees of separation from Johnny. Me - Stacey (Brian's sister, who was in a bunch of my classes) - Brian - Orlando Bloom - Johnny Depp! With ties that close, I just may be on his Christmas card list.
The Movie
As I said, our current plan is to go see the movie Friday before work. Of course, we work at 3:00 and the movie is over 2 1/2 hours long. This means that we'll have to see an 11:00 or 11:30 showing. But Scott's got a co-worker who is doing the midnight show, so we'll have to see it before he goes to work or Mr. BigMouth will spoil everything for him. How's that for justifying a ridiculously long day? I'm so excited!!!
Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
Best blog entry ever ... and to quote whatzername's line from Joe Vs the Volcano, "I have no response to that."
Thanks for you and Scott getting us into the park. We had a great time and a great lunch.
The video of Johnny Depp and the Captain is freaky weird but as weird as it is for me to watch I can only imagine how surreal it is for him.
Thanks again!
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