
12 July, 2007

Meow! (the sound of cattiness)

Scalzi's Weekend Assignment: Humiliate your pet! Show a picture or tell a story that features your pet doing something that's goofy or silly, even for dumb animal. If you don't currently have a pet, you can tell a pet story from a previous furry pal of yours, or pass along a pet humiliation story someone once shared with you.

Gee... it's awfully difficult for me to pick just one "stupid pet trick" here. After all, while the most ridiculous thing I see regularly is Kilo sucking on his back foot (we think he was weaned too early), I don't have any photos or video of that. Same for ZoePig running laps around her cage at 1 am. What I do have photos of is Milo's penchant for squeezing himself into places he shouldn't be.
Especially boxes. The box he is sitting in here (pretending to be comfortable and casual) is the length and width of a standard DVD case. What is that? 5" x 7"? He eventually managed to curl up and take a nap in this particular box. I don't know how - or why - he does it!
It's not just boxes though. I've shared my picture of him in the fridge in the past, and I may have already published this one of him in the basket. That particular photo session got much funnier when he tipped over and it took him a few seconds to get his footing and get out of the basket. This is what makes housecleaning so much fun!
And Milo often helps me see the silver lining in a crappy situation. Last spring when my Wicked Step-Mother sent me most of my childhood (you know... everything that wasn't valuable or desirable to her), she sent a total of around 20 boxes. And in the time it took for me to invest in plastic storage bins and sort through 25 years of mementos, Milo certainly made the most of the situation!
Extra credit: Do you think your pet is actually humiliated?! In fact I'm the one who should be humiliated. After all, I turned these pictures and a bunch of others into a "Cats in Boxes" calendar, which I then gave to family members for Christmas. Because who doesn't want picture of someone else's cats hanging on their wall right above their important reminders?


Anonymous said...

Milo! The world's most photogenic cat!

Janette said...

I love my "Cats in Boxes" calendar! As a matter of fact it's the only wall calendar I have this year. Will we have "Cats in Baskets" next year? Or maybe just a general themed "Catty Situations"? Better yet, a calendar with some of the great photos that you've taken on the cruises and at the flower show! I still say you could get paid for some of those.

20LittleToes said...

he doesn't look humilated! He looks comfy!!!