Anyone in the mood to play a round of "Caption This?" (umm... did I steal that title from you Janette? you're not using it anymore, right? oh well, moving on...) I'm going to put my caption in the comment thread.
NOTE: no cats were harmed in the taking of this photo. In fact, Kilo has not been crushed by a chair. He's alive and fat, just like before this picture was taken. I just have two weird cats who like to sleep in weird places!
You could have stolen "Caption This!" from me or perhaps from the person that I stole it from. It can be hard to keep track of those sorts of things in the blogosphere.
Kilo: "Mom said there were dust bunnies under here but all I see are these fluffy things. They don't taste good at all."
Oh and I certainly don't remember who I stole "Caption This!" from. (I can only assume that it wasn't an original thought, there are so few in the blogosphere). If I did I'd give them full credit.
Kilo: "Yep, yep. Your transmission is leaking. Gimme a box full of cat treats and a can of tuna and I can have you back in your chair in a coupla days."
"Be gone before someone drops a chair on you, too!"
You could have stolen "Caption This!" from me or perhaps from the person that I stole it from. It can be hard to keep track of those sorts of things in the blogosphere.
Kilo: "Mom said there were dust bunnies under here but all I see are these fluffy things. They don't taste good at all."
Oh and I certainly don't remember who I stole "Caption This!" from. (I can only assume that it wasn't an original thought, there are so few in the blogosphere). If I did I'd give them full credit.
Kilo: "Yep, yep. Your transmission is leaking. Gimme a box full of cat treats and a can of tuna and I can have you back in your chair in a coupla days."
Kilo: "Milo will never find me. This is the best hiding place evah!"
Kilo (say with slighty exasperated lisp): "I know my earring fell under here somewhere."
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