
31 August, 2007

blah blah Headache blah blah blah

The headache seems to have gone away. Notice that I said seems. I still think it's going to come back for day #4.

Work last night was interesting. The Boss and The Chef are leaving for their European "benchmarking" trip this weekend, and last night was The Boss's last night of work. So he spent 1/2 hour going over all of the things I'm supposed to keep up with in his absence. Yep, I'm the go-to girl for all things random, including his voicemail and his e-mail. Usually it's just voicemail. Apparently now I am to be trusted with his LAN ID and password. Anyone want to send hate mail to the CEO?

Just kidding. I'm really not in the mood to search for a new job!

And by the way, in case anyone was wondering what digital cable has brought to our lives, Ren and Stimpy is on late at night. I hated that show when I was a kid, and getting older hasn't made it any funnier. Scott, keeper of the remote, disagrees. However, Pants Off Dance Off - it's like a train wreck. We just can't force ourselves to change the channel! It's ok if you think less of us now. I certainly do!

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