Wii have been playiing wiith our new viideo game system a lot. As a result, Ii have not been spendiing as much tiime iin my other non-real-liife pursuiits, such as bloggiing.
Ii do have thiings to share, iincludiing a really cute kiitten picture, so please don't leave forever! For now, enjoy this Facebook meme Ii diid a few days ago...
Bless me Father, for I have been peer pressured into participating in this!
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right-hand corner of the page), then click Publish.)
1. I'm going to be 30 in 29 days.
2. I have a blog for this sort of stuff. You should
go there!3. I know a good amount of HTML code off the top of my head. This stems from the night my friend Maura and I spent in the South Halls computer lab until 6 am making our first web pages. That was freshman fall in 1996.
4. I have more cousins than I have fingers and toes, but no siblings. It makes me sad that my hypothetical offspring won't have any cousins of their own. They're a big part of my life.
5. On the subject of family, my mom is the youngest of 6 and my dad is the oldest of 4. Mom is the only one of her family with only one child. That explains all the cousins!
6. In my life I have worked in the following fields: disability services, theater, theme parks, restaurants, security, and I ran the campus movie channel in college.
7. I cross-trained in custodial a long time ago. On my first day, I had to clean up bright pink vomit from 3 adjoining toilet stalls. To this day, I won't touch Pepto no matter how ill I'm feeling. And here's a hint: on a hot summer day, if you're walking around and feeling sick, stop and sit for 20 minutes and drink some damn water. At least then if you puke, it'll be clear!
8. Another custodial tale: the trash cans in the Japan pavilion have more giant cockroaches per capita than anywhere else in the World Showcase. **shudder**
9. I have more gay ex-boyfriends than I care to admit.
10. Scott and I are saving for a house. We would already be living in one if we didn't have a love of fine dining and travel!
11. My biggest pet peeve involves being used for Disney tickets/discounts. I have an unpleasant number of people in my life who disappear until 3 weeks before their Florida trip and then all of a sudden we're BFFs. Note to anyone who thinks this might apply to them or someone they know: my birthday is in 29 days. Time to start card shopping!
12. I share my one bedroom apartment with three cats, a husband and a guinea pig.
13. There are 3 video game systems plugged in behind our living room TV. Of course, the Playstation is no longer hooked up to the TV, but it's still plugged in. We're quite green...yes we are! (the other two are Scott's Xbox 360 and our shiny new Wii)
14. My favorite movie of all time is The American President. It's possible I used it as escapist therapy during the "W" presidency...
15. I am currently working my way through the complete West Wing DVD set that I got for Christmas. I'm at the beginning of season 3 right now. What can I say? I heart Aaron Sorkin!
16. I also heart Barack Obama. His is the first campaign I donated money to.
17. My Aunt Rose instilled a deep appreciation for a good food/wine pairing in me during the Food & Wine "fesshival" a few years ago. It comes in handy now in my job, and when I go out to eat.
18. Even after all this time working for the Mouse, I still love Disney. I love Disney fireworks most of all. You just don't see them like that anywhere else.
18. When I was little, I was convinced I was going to have red-haired twin girls and I was going to name them Harmony and Melody. Thank God I didn't get pregnant when I was 11, huh?
19. A cautionary tale for any slackers out there: even if you don't graduate, they still expect you to pay back your student loans!
20. I mentioned fine dining before. Actually, it's ANY dining that we love. From McDonald's to Victoria & Albert's, we've rarely met a restaurant we didn't like. My current recommendation is Red Fish in Hilton Head, SC. You should go there. Have the scallops with lobster macaroni and cheese. Yummmm....
21. At this very moment, my husband is with some guys from the Super Bowl Champion Steelers. I'm not sure what he's doing, but he probably looks tiny in comparison!
22. I am ghetto fabulous. I say that because Jamie isn't a name that lends itself to nicknames and "J-Mo" is the only one that has ever stuck. Plus, there's a skinny little white kid named Chris in the kitchen at work and I have started calling him C-Diddy.
23. I love to sing in the car. There, I am Aida and Audrey, I defy gravity, and I'm a total rock star.
24. For Valentine's Day, I'm taking Scott to see A Chorus Line. I paid for the tickets (my gift to him), and he is going to go and not hate it (his gift to me). Actually, us going has nothing to do with V-Day. That just happens to be when the show is in town.
25. I have a 16"x20" poster of a whale shark, taken by me at the Atlanta Aquarium. I love taking pictures, and took about 200 that day. Other more local favorite photo spots are the nature trails at Animal Kingdom, Epcot during the Flower & Garden Festival, and Scott's balcony garden.