
22 November, 2007

Thanksgiving, Jamie Style

Fact: Of all the people you know, I am the last one you want preparing a Thanksgiving feast.
Fact: Of all the people in my household, I was the one who had days off this week.

Moving on, I was planning a mini Thanksgiving of sorts to take to work today. I was going to make sides - sweet potatoes, Stove Top and a green vegetable - and buy a rotisserie chicken from Publix. Well it turns out that I wasn't the only one with that plan. When I got to Publix around 4:00 yesterday, they were out of chickens (except fried, and I just couldn't do that).

But we had chicken breasts thawing in the fridge, and I volunteered Scott to cook them when he got home from work. So I baked the sweet potatoes, nuked the Stove Top, and made broccoli casserole (lest the meal get healthy). And then Scott and I decided to not even bother with the chicken. There's a pot luck at his work today, so I know he won't go without meat, and I don't really care one way or another whether there's meat on my plate.

Oh yes - and there's pie. I bought a blueberry cheesecake pie at the store too. That's what I'm having for breakfast.

H a p p y T h a n k s g i v i n g ! !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And for those who know me, You know like to have some sort of protein with my meals. Granted, I had turkey at the office, for a giant feast had been made both by Security, and one of or resident LP chefs. But Jamie's Thanksgiving dinner was just as good.. no.. better, than the others because she made it. Thanks babe.