OK, I was truly planning on checking out the topic of the MPS this week and going out and actually taking a picture for it. And had I checked on this earlier yesterday, I would have gotten a killer picture of the trees across the street blowing like mad. Sadly, I didn't. And so once again I am delving back into my archives from... the cruise.

The picture above is Scott, he of the plastic LEGO snap-on hair, demonstrating just how windy it was up on deck 10 on one of our at sea days. You can actually see his clothes blowing as well.
The other two pictures were taken just about a year apart, on two separate ships, but both during the "Sailabration" sail away deck party, and I'm drinking the same beverage in each - a daiquiri/colada swirl in a souvenir cup.

P.S. - bonus points to the first person who can tell me from what show the title of this post is borrowed.
Bah, paying in sucks! Luckily this year we got money back. Of course we promptly used it to pay bills but still it's better than paying in.
I don't know why insurance won't pay for IV sedation but it's worth the out of pocket expense to me! :: shiver :: I hope Scott is recovering well!
Bonus points: Carousel? I hope so otherwise the song is inexplicably linked with Shirley Jones in my head. Of course once I submit my answer I'm Googling it otherwise I'll go nuts wondering about all day.
We actually sang songs from Carousel one spring in chorus. There's a line in that song that goes, "away we'll go, blow me high and low." Before our teacher even passed out the music, the line had been whited out and replaced with the innocuous "away we'll go, sailing high and low." But still, you don't ask 13-16 year old boys to sing ANY song with the word blow in it that many times.
I was gonna say Pirates of Penzance. :( But I remember you singing it! The windy photo from the last cruise looks like THE BANGS FROM THE EIGHTIES!
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