Just think, before long we'll be able to make all sorts of tasty salsa and pasta sauces (or perhaps just a lovely caprese salad) from our own little balcony garden!
Anyway, Scott bought and potted his new "baby" yesterday while I was at work. So today really is day two. I figure the tomato project will go on longer than the CHIA project (only two months for two thriving herbs - I'm a believer!). And Scott is really proud of his green thumb. So this is a win-win for both his ego and my occasional (ha!) writer's block.
Also today on Tales from the Balcony, I would like to present Anatomy of a Roll Over, as demonstrated by Milo:

I'd also like to share this fairly decent photo of Kilo. After all, they are so rare. Looking at his markings, I realize he really is genetically inferior. Female tigers in the wild mate with the male they find who has the most symmetrical stripes and whiskers on his face. Obviously, Kilo doesn't fit that bill! (never mind the undescended testicle... that was subsequently whacked off!)
Anyway, this picture makes him look like he's wearing a little backwards Phantom of the Opera mask. Does anyone else see the similarity?

:( Your second image didn't post.
the one of Milo? I can see it...
First of all, my mother would have LOVED you two! I wish you could have known her! She called tomatoes, diMAYdiz ... and she prolly would've given you the 3 dozen recipes you'll need when they come in. I remember when I was a kid that tomatoes and peaches all came at once, and it was Hell Week trying to get them all canned!
Second of all, it's hard to be an average cat like Kilo when you have Pretty Boy Floyd for a brother! I'd hate to have to live in MILO's shadow!
Oh sorry, third image. It says Photobucket bandwidth exceeded.
It's just a little image of the Phantom. If you go to photobucket.com and search Phantom of the Opera, you'll see dozens of them. I just happened to pick the wrong one!
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