
21 April, 2007

Acting Like a Girl

I am a Grad Nite widow. It's ok - it's only 4 nights a year, and I do enjoy my solitude in small bites. Scott rolled in at 5:30 this morning, and will probably be out until about 'til the same time tonight.

Last night I took advantage of some quiet time at home to act like a girl - I curled up on the recliner with the last two scoops of ice cream (still in the carton), and watched a chick flick. I don't really care for Jack Black - one of the biggest over-actors of our time - but I love Kate Winslet, and Cameron Diaz and Jude Law aren't so bad either. The movie was actually better than I expected it to be.

Tonight I'm going to go to bed by midnight. I had a pretty productive day at work today, and feel that I deserve a full nine hours of sleep.

By the way, if anyone ever offers you a chocolate bar that looks like this, tell them you gave up chocolate for Lent (or some made-up holiday). Who makes chocolate with dates and shitake mushrooms, anyway? Here's the description from some random website:
A dream of a thousand and one compositions. A puree of Jordanian sun-drenched dates mixed with Arabica coffee revelling in a white chocolate cream. On a further layer, spices and the Asiatic traditional health mushroom Shiitake are immersed in a dark canache. Colorfully created and wrapped in a dark chocolate coating.

Riiight! It tastes a little like soap, and I got a piece stuck in my tooth that I had to let dissolve because the tip of my tongue was repelled by it! I'm not sure who gave these to our Chef, but he's been giving them out like... umm... candy. Just yesterday, he gave me a bar of fennel-orange hot chocolate mix. It requires warming the milk, and the directions are in metric, so I'm waiting to see my husband again so that we can share that experience! The company is based in Austria, and judging by these flavors, Austrians are a pretty wacky bunch!


Anonymous said...

Beets! Curried Bananas! Bacon Bits!

As a person who claims to be willing to try everything once ... I dunno ... and balsamic vinegar in CANDY? Give your head a shake!

Janette said...


:: thinking about it a little more ::


Um yeah, those flavors are the culinary equivalent of "Eww, smell this!"