
15 May, 2006

Three Truths

Here are the answers to my Two Truths and a Lie entry from a few days ago:

1. There are three lava lamps in my apartment, but only one works.
True! One is a nightlight that never worked properly, and one lost its cap during a move and is on display on top of the desk, but not plugged in. And the one that works is the lava lamp/real lamp that I got Scott for Christmas two years ago.

2. We have three PCs, but only two monitors. And only one is currently plugged in.
True! There's files on each of the other two PCs that need to be backed up and deleted before I can dispose of them. Besides, I'm hoping to set up the other one and network both computers together some day.

3. Our apartment has been home to insects, arachnids, amphibians, canines, felines, reptiles, rodents, and us. Currently, it's just us, the cats, the guinea pig, and a spider (I think).
False! We've never had a dog, and never had one in the apartment.


Janette said...

Yay! What do I win?

Anonymous said...

Cool, I was right. I am so smart.

Anonymous said...

Victory laps will be run when Tess wakes up!