
04 April, 2007


I dropped a knife on my big toe this morning. Lucky for me, it was a butter knife. I'm pretty sure it landed blade-down, since there was butter on my toe. It hurt like a M.F., even without any self-amputation. It was one of the heavy Pottery Barn knives. They're like solid {insert heavy element here}.

I guess that's pretty much par for the course for the past 24 hours. Scott and I realized at 11:45 yesterday morning that both of us needed to shower and be out the door for his dentist appointment by 12:20. I wanted to finish watching the show I was engrossed in, so I sent him first. And at 12:10, he finally got out of the bathroom.

So much for the shower.

So we went to the dentist, and I sat in the waiting room and read my Readers Digest (yeah, I think I'm the only person who brings RD with them into a doctor's waiting room). We decided to swing by the Publix that's right there to pick up massive amounts of Easter candy for our co-workers, and were doing our second loop through the deli looking for something quick to eat when who should we run into but my father and his wife.

Here's what I know about the situation: she waved at us, I waved back, and we kept walking in our opposite directions. After they walked past, I actually stopped the cart and looked back, figuring I had Scott there to support me through the awkward family reunion, and my father didn't even stop or turn around. I'm going to go ahead and assume the worst that he saw us first and was pretending he didn't. That's him M.O.

At this point, I would like to stop and thank my mother for officially being the only member of my family who still wants anything to do with me. I really don't know what heinous crime I have committed to be so outcast from everyone I ever held dear, but it hurts.

Anyway, after we left Publix (and I had a brief moment considering running over to their house and claiming the rest of my things) we went and tried out a new eating spot: the Chef's Table, which turned out to be the highlight of the afternoon. It's a deli with some eat-in tables. It's an established business, but they just moved from old Clermont proper down to 27. We each got a sandwich and split some pasta salad. My sandwich was turkey and cheese with mayo and orange marmalade. Sounded too gross to pass up (I am my mother's daughter!). And it was quite tasty! The chef of my restaurant actually recommended the place to me - he knows the chef there - and said they make the best meatloaf sandwich on earth. I guess I'll have to try that next time.

I'm actually working today, and taking tomorrow off. This is probably for the best, because otherwise I'd just be sitting here brooding over my dysfunctional family. And really, I don't think I could handle that.


Anonymous said...


Janette said...

Poo on them. An extra big, runny load of poo on your father's head. Jerk.

Well you have new family now so you don't need to worry about wicked stepmother and her lapdog. We'll provide enough new dysfunction that you never need to brood about those people again.