
01 November, 2008

Farewell to W

We heard that the Hall of Presidents was going to be closing until July 4, 2009 (hopefully so that they can move Bush 43 into a barely visible corner) so we made a special trip to the Magic Kingdom to take one last look.

Be proud of me - I made it through the whole thing without booing or walking out. It was hard though, especially when I realized W's entire speech and Abe Lincoln's speech were built around the premise of the Declaration of Independence - that all men are created equal, that we have certain unalienable rights, and that if we can not grant people rights that we should not set out to take the rights away from anyone. **cough**unlessyouaregayorMuslim**cough** Oh yeah - and he didn't mention plans to drag the country into a war with no end, torture captives, listen in on my phone calls, or destroy the economy. I guess those were all prizes we won in the '04 bonus round!
But I digress. Today is the start of NaBloPoMo, which means 30 days of posts that will probably be more like this:

Dole Whips for President!

Actually, I think that caption is rather lame. How about "Registered Voters: Thanks, ACORN!" Anyone have anything better?


Minima said...

"...and it was then they realized that no matter what their mothers told them, neither of them were related to Gene Simmons."

Can I take the cash payout instead of the prizes from the bonus round?

Minima said...

And why is your tongue blue if the ice cream is white/yellow? Are you part chow chow or shar-pei?

Jamie the ParkHopper said...

It's not blue... maybe my white balance was off.

And as for the tongues, I look at Scott's freakishly short tongue and my freakishly long one, and hope that some day we'll have a kid so that we can find out if tongue length is a dominant/recessive gene, or if it's an average thing.

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