
21 November, 2008

Scrapple: 2 Liverwurst: 1

It turns out that Scott does, in fact, have a weird meat threshold. I gave him a bite of my liverwurst sandwich last night, he chewed thoughtfully for a few bites, and then he spit it in the sink. "It was fine until I got through the mustard taste!"

It turns out the southern boy who has become a scrapple addict, and eats greens and cube steak by choice doesn't like liverwurst!

To tell you the truth, I don't think I'll be eating it again any time soon either. But I'm sure I'll try again in 2 or 3 years... no such guarantee for Scott!


Anonymous said...

I need a liverwurst fix about once a year ... and I LOVE it ... but I have never wanted it to be a regular part of my diet.

Minima said...

I need a "fix" about once a year, too, but I eat mine kind of weird. I dice up onion and really garlic-y dill pickles and mash it into the liverwurst with a little mayo and a lot of spicy Dijon mustard. Spread the tasty gunk on a some really, really fresh pumpernickel and eat with a side of green onions. Um, yeah, it's best to avoid all contact with other humans for the rest of the day.