A photographic protest of Proposition 8 (and other ballot initiatives)? Excellent!
I welcome supporters of gay rights to snap your own photo showing your wedding ring on your middle finger. Spread the word that this fight isn’t over. Whether you’re gay, straight, bi, white, blue or tan — show your support by letting freedom ring on your blog then go here to log it for everyone to see!

I'm not good at flipping the bird. In fact, it turns out I can't do it with my left hand at all, so I had to use my right hand for this photo. Even still, it's awkward. You! Go forth and support the rights of ALL Americans. It'll make you feel good...
Oh I hate to be a blog party pooper (or to even sound all pollyanish) but do people really think that's the best way to win voters over to their side? I know everyone is ticked about the results right now (and rightfully so) but wouldn't a better plan be to better educate voters next time around? The Yes on 2 people won by misleading people and people generally don't like being misled. Flipping off well intentioned but uninformed voters isn't the way to help the cause.
Minima :: resident political pollyanna ::
Is that an offer?? I think that's an offer....
Yes Matthew, it was an offer. For you to flip the bird on your own blog. :P
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