
12 May, 2006

Two Truths and a Lie

Scalzi's Weekend Assignment: Present three "facts" about yourself: Two of the facts true, and one of the facts false. Let people guess which "fact" is the fake one. Reveal the fake fact on Monday.

This is one of those "getting to know you" games we played in various student organizations in my colorful past. Given my expertise, I thought I'd have no trouble coming up with some ideas. My trouble is that I wanted to make them hard enough that my regular readers might not even know the answers. Anyway, here goes nothing...

Two Truths and a Lie - Apartment Edition

1. There are three lava lamps in my apartment, but only one works.

2. We have three PCs, but only two monitors. And only one is currently plugged in.

3. Our apartment has been home to insects, arachnids, amphibians, canines, felines, reptiles, rodents, and us. Currently, it's just us, the cats, the guinea pig, and a spider (I think).

Extra Credit: Can you lie with a straight face? Really?

Yes. Although I was much better at it when I was a kid. But I lie to at least one person a day. It's the nature of my job.

UPDATE! (5/14) The answer to the assignment can be found here.


~~Silk said...

I'm going with #2. If you can change a bulb, you can't kill a lava lamp, and nobody but NOBODY lies about their animals!

If you'd like to take a whack at mine, it's at


Anonymous said...

I am gonna go with number 3.

Janette said...

#3 I think.

Wil said...

#1 strikes me as the ringer. Guess I'll have to go check out your answers...

Anonymous said...

I say # 3 is a lie because you've never had a dog. Of course, I'm writing this after the answer is posted ... but I didn't peek!