Today is G's last day. And aside from the fact that we'll be understaffed again, and that I had a huge "do this now" multi-day project dumped on me yesterday (I knew it was coming, but thought I'd have another two weeks), and we're already behind on our phone calls, I'm really just going to miss her. It has been really nice coming into the office two days a week and having someone there already. She's been fun. And God, she was competent.
But enough about that. I had another of those random "firsts" last night - had to witness The Boss's will and living will. You can't have the latter signed by blood relatives, so Under-Boss and I got that great honor. I signed it, but told him I was going to be mad if he dies. And apparently he didn't leave me anything. Pah!
Oh yes, and one more thing I can't write a whole post about because I'm afraid of offending anyone, but I am so pissed off about this I can hardly believe it. I can say with total certainty that I have never heard Imus's radio show, and that my life will not change without him on the air every day. I can also say that in my life, especially in my school years, I was completely surrounded by a culture that made fun of every group equally - black, blonde, Polish, Irish, Indian, smart, dumb, fat, thin... We weren't offended - we fired a barb right back. How anyone can get on television and, with a straight face, say that the comments he made were "like a slap in the face" MUST have grown up in some kind of bubble. Why haven't they fired every radio or TV host who said Nicole Ritchie and Lindsay Lohan need to eat a sandwich? Oh yeah - because Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson aren't running to their aid. I really don't see the difference.
Well, I'm off to Publix to buy a goodbye cake, a get well card, and some pantyhose (random shopping trip of the month). Happy Friday the 13th.
Look, to be honest this is my take, it offended me. Not so much the "nappy haired" thing but the "hos" part applied to educated, intelligent women that Imus has never met offended me. Actually it really pissed me off. But so what? That's what shock jocks do! That's why I don't listen to shock jocks.
That these women were so eager to take on the roll of victim? That pissed me off more. There's plenty of ways they could have fired back at Imus with strength and integrity. Instead they were happy to let the media paint them as victims - of THREE LOUSY WORDS! Give me a freaking break.
A more productive lesson from these "future leaders" would have been how to gracefully endure and overcome the verbal slings and arrows of idiots like Imus.
Hooray for Park Hopper and Janette! If Johnny Cochran were still alive, he'd've nailed those smooth-haired-virgins to the wall! Are they all going to pretend as though they've never told or laughed at a joke that was insulting to someone?
Why are we so angry at people practicing free speech? First it was Anne Coulter saying faggot, then Rosie O'Donnell said conspiracy, and now some shock jock says nappy headed ho. Freedom of speech has its drawbacks, namely, people are going to say something you don't want to hear. Build a fence and get over it!
And is it just me? It is so ironic that the most vociferous defender of the nappy headed ho comment was Al Sharpton, the oldest living processed-hair-head in the world!
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