This time of year, there really isn't much weather to speak of here in central Florida. It's hot, and we probably won't have rain for another month. And then it will be hurricane season. After hurricane season we'll have "winter," 3 months where the temperatures range between 40 and 80 - usually within 24 hours of each other. And then we'll find ourselves once again in brush fire season.Murphy's Law Update: I swear, I checked the forecast for today whilst I was writing this post, and there was only a 40% chance of showers. Three hours later the entire area was a live-action version of Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day. Where was I? In my office, with no camera and no windows. Go figure!
When I was your age....
It was called "rainy season." We knew it was hurrican season, but there seemed no reason to call it that! Nowadays, we got reason aplenty!
You forgot tornado season! We had a whopper of a storm this afternoon. Some serious roaring sounds that had me concerned (lasted waaay too long for me to be assured that it was thunder), a ton of rain (there's still about 2 inches of standing water in the back yard) and no electricity for two hours. Welcome to spring!
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