
19 May, 2007

Wedding: The Aftermath

I would like to share a series of conversations with you. The Boss called the Catering Manager, and then asked me to follow up:

Boss: We need to borrow 80 champagne glasses.
CM: Fine. Do you want me to send them up?
Boss: No, I'll have a receiver come down.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Boss (to me): Call receiving and have them bring 100 champagne glasses up to The Bar.
Me: OK. (calls receiving, is told by the guy in charge that he would pass my request on to stewarding) He said he would pass that along to stewarding.
Boss: You called Receiving? Stewarding does that.
Me: You SAID to call Receiving!
Boss: I meant Stewarding. Call them.
Me: The Receiving guy said he would pass along the request.
Boss: He won't.

That's pretty much indicative of how most of my day went yesterday. I believe that the wedding and the dinner went well, although that's only what I could muster from bits of conversation with people who were actually in the room for any of it. Of course our servers, who each made somewhere around $250 on that one seating (and most also stayed for the regular restaurant seating and probably made more than that again), were mad that they didn't make enough money (cry me a river).

I pretty much walked out last night exhausted (so tired that I had Scott drive me home) and crestfallen. I spent a whole lot of man hours on that wedding in the past three months. Probably more than both the bosses combined. And at the end of the day, everyone got a little bit of the glory except for me. I guess that's just what happens when you are in a support role. I'm trying to just accept that and move on, not take it all personally, and tell myself that I am appreciated, even though they don't tell me that as often as I would like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're reading James Michner's TEXAS, and I've been absolutely amazed at how there seems to be a steady stream of real heroes, and an equal number of people who made it into the history books! And they're not the same people! It may be a work of fiction, but that particular irony is a very real thing!