
07 June, 2007


OK Bible people, help me out here:

Is gluttony the only one of the seven deadly sins that can actually kill you?

Just wondering.

Dinner was wonderful, but I'm going to wait to post a review (which, by the way, wouldn't be fair and balanced even if I wanted it to) until I can get Scott to give me his high and low points.


Janette said...

Well, I think sloth could kill someone eventually because of the whole lack of exercise thing. Wrath could eventually take one out due to high blood pressure.

As far as a better and faster way to go I'd definitely pick with gluttony.

I hope you both had a great meal and wonderful anniversary.

Anonymous said...

So how was it? I would love to hear! And speaking as the official Bible Person, the Seven Deadly Sins are from William Shakespeare.

The original sin, the one that kills, and leads to all other sins is: The knowledge of good and evil. It was not God's intention for us to have that knowledge.

If you talk like that though, you really piss off a lot of people, you know, like Hottie Edwards, who thinks being moral is a thing to be grasped!

Gee whiz! Where is my soapbox ... I feel a PREACH coming on!

Janette said...

Ah, and here I must respectfully disagree with Pastor Joy.

The Seven Deadly Sins are the creation of the early Catholic Church. The idea was promoted by Dante (well before Shakespeare) when he famously corresponded some of the sins with a "circle of hell" in Inferno.

Maybe you're confusing Shakespeare with Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales? There was one of the tales that featured all of the sins.

Janette :: who probably only knows this because she recently reread Dante's Divine Comedy and really loved the Canterbury Tales in school ::