
04 June, 2007

John Edwards: Just a Pretty Face?

OK, y'all know I love John Edwards, right? I totally think he'd be the dreamiest president since JFK. And I wouldn't be saying this right now if my blog had more than, say, 10 daily readers because I think I still like him more than any other presidential candidate.

I didn't watch tonight's debate, but I read about it. My analysis? He's out of his flippin' mind! How can I vote for someone whose answer to the question, "what would you do with your first 100 days in office?" is the following?

"To travel the world -- re-establish America's moral authority in the world -- which I think is absolutely crucial. The other things become less important and subservient.


"But, the single greatest responsibility of the next president is to travel the world, speak to the world about what real American values are -- equality, diversity -- and to lead an effort by America to re-establish our alliances around the world, which is going to require time and focus.


"All those things are crucial to re-establishing our moral authority." the world? That's how you answer a question like, "what are you going to do when you retire?" Travel the effing world? Isn't that what we have Bill Clinton and the elder George Bush for? And don't even get me started on the concept of "moral authority." Who are we to judge?

The two real candidates both answered the same question with some version of "end the war." But you know, maybe Pretty John is right. What's the life of another 3,000 soldiers when we could have a Commander in Chief gallivanting around telling the rest of the world that "we're going to help other people in the world and we're going to demonstrate our commitment to humanity."
...just like Brad and Angelina.
Oh John, you are dreamy. Please just let's stop talking and enjoy a moment without your stupid words getting in the way.


Janette said...

LOL! I did watch the debate (I'm still working on my post about it) and that moment was striking. I think it was the debate equivalent of "I'm going to Disney World!"

Anonymous said...

Ok, you think he's cute? Can you qualify that with a standard I already know ... like ... do you think he's cuter than Hans Solo? Is he cuter than Spiderman? Is he cuter than Dubbya?

Jamie the ParkHopper said...

He's cuter than any other Presidential candidate in my adult life.