
03 June, 2007

It's All Greek* to Me

Last night was one of those nights at The Restaurant where it seemed that everyone had a different special request. My favorite: the nice man with a party of 8 who wanted me to print one girl's name on the outside of her menu in Cyrillic.

So I did.

To be fair, he made it easy for me. He sent me a PDF file of a shipping label with her name on it and all I had to do was copy and paste the text. Still, we had 2 menu changes and 3 wine changes and 11 special menus for allergies last night. I was strapped for time and almost had to abandon the special menu cover. In the end, it took me maybe an extra five minutes. And the party just flipped. How do I know? Because I got dragged into the dining room (which, to a person in my position, is like being granted access to the Restricted section of the Hogwart's library) so that they could say thank you.

note: It's not my status that prevents me from going into the restaurant, it's my clothing. My sweater and khakis were just not fancy enough to be a representative of The Restaurant. So what's a Maitre d' to do when such a request is made? That's easy. Wrap a ridiculous pajmina shawl around the reservationist so that instead of looking casual, she looks fashion-challenged!

Anyway, I added "Cyrillic menu cover" to my "Good Jamie" list of things that I have done. This list, by the way, is kept at the request of the Boss so that he can justify classifying me as "clearly outstanding" so that he can give me the big raise next year. (I'm not sure, but I think my raise this year was something like 4.5%, and the "big" raise might be around 6%. whoop dee doo!)

*No, the girl was not Greek. She was Russian. But "It's all Russian to me" seemed like a stupid title.


Janette said...

Aw, that's nice! Nice of you to make the effort to get the job done and nice of the diners to make the effort to thank you.

I would love to have seen you in the shawl! Maybe they just thought that you had a chill.

Good for your boss for making you keep the "Good Jamie" list. I always made my employees do the same thing and it really makes things easier at raise time. It also says a lot about an employee who can't be bothered to keep the list so be sure to keep yours up to date!

Anonymous said...

Is Cyrillic Greek or Russian?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and if you like, I can add all kinds of things to the Good Jamie List ... the GJL, if you will!