
10 December, 2006


I must be really sick - my temperature is 98.8.

Actually, I don't feel terrible. I have a little bit of congestion, a little bit of a cough, a bit of sore throat, and a bit of an ear ache. Mostly though, I'm overwhelmingly tired. I know that my body is waging an internal struggle of epic proportions right now, and I feel like I owe it to the body to sleep as much as possible.


Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment in downtown Orlando for which we are leaving home at 9 am. Then I'm working 2-10:30.

Tuesday I'm off (this will pretty much be my catatonic day until...). We're going to see The Lion King with some people Tuesday night. Who? Umm... I think Chris and Cathi. I don't know who else.

Wednesday and Thursday I'm working my normal 10 hour shift.

Friday and Saturday I'm off (payment for working Mon & Weds). But Friday we're going out with Bob and Janet before Scott leaves for work. This, of course, means waking up before noon. I need to Christmas shop, but it surely isn't going to be on a Saturday. I don't have a death wish!

I work Sunday normal hours, and am then off Monday (Christmas shopping?) and Tuesday. Wednesday our new girl starts and I'll be training her plus doing my job every Weds/Thurs/Fri for the immediate future.

Somewhere in there, I think there were a few holes I can fill with rest and orange juice and soup. Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Janette said...

Hm, I seriously suggest that you alter your schedule enough to get some real rest! Otherwise your body will force you to slow down!