
21 March, 2006

The FSA Saga Continues

If you missed Part One of our FSA saga, or can't remember the details, you should probably go back and study that before moving on. I present Part Two this morning, once again from Guest Blogger Mr. ParkHopper:

It was returned yet AGAIN!!! muahh hahahahahahah! I told her, "just copy down whatever my wife's had on it, she got hers!" She said that the address they used had to come through the employer, so I checked. they are almost identical. So, she put me on hold for a while, and checked with "someone" about what to do. She came back and said the ONLY difference between our two addresses is.....are you ready for this?...... There is a comma in mine between the street and the apartment, and not hers. She said she really doesn't think that is the issue. I, somehow, agree. So I gave her my phone numbers so they could have the "lady in charge of the returned cards" call me...... Oh the drama continues.....

And I thought I had trouble with Remanufactured Transmission. Compared to the FSA people, these guys look like Good Samaritans!

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