
26 January, 2006


Seeking home for a very loving 3-4 year-old male cat. Kilo loves to cuddle and play, and is also a great bug hunter. Unfortunately, he also has a peeing habit. If his litter box isn't kept in pristine condition, he will refuse to use it, substituting not only the floor and anything on it, but also blankets and furniture.

So perhaps he isn't the best housecat. Unless you are a compulsive cleaner with a steam-cleaner. He still has his claws, and would make an excellent addition to any barn or other outdoor space.

In all seriousness, I am heart-broken about losing him. This whole situation makes me feel as though I somehow failed as a pet owner. And I worry that Milo will be terribly lonely without Kilo to play with. But he destroyed a sofa and who knows what else, and now we have nowhere to sit except for two chairs... one of which smells a bit like pee also. And I can't bringing another stitch of furniture in here until he's gone.

...or until I find kitty diapers.


Anonymous said...

Getting rid of him might be easier than you think! It's gonna hurt, but getting rid of him is a very wise thing to do, and I salute you. It takes guts. But part of being a whole person is laying boundaries. Maybe you should email Jami ... they're in their new house, and they have a lot of outdoor cats ... couldn't hurt!

Janette said...

Aww, I'm sorry but I understand. We had a kitty once whe peed in inconvenient places. I couldn't get rid of her because she was a disabled kitty and needed extra care that I didn't think she'd get anywhere else. She lived for a long time but the kitty pee smell lived longer.