
12 January, 2006

Three Weddings and a Honeymoon

The Weddings...

  • Beth & Brian -- February 11
  • Rowan & Janice -- February 24
  • Chris & Cathi -- October 22

How many of these weddings are we going to? Probably only one. It depends. Make that two if Mike gets married in '06.

The Honeymoon...

  • Scott & Jamie -- December 2006 -- three years late

We're going on a cruise!!!!!!!!!! I've paid a deposit and everything. And that's all I have time for right now. I'm just too excited to deal with details. But some time in the next eleven months I'm sure I'll calm down and actually go into the specifics. Let's just say there will be a five-day hole with no blog entries, no calls, no e-mails, no cats, and no stress... followed by a million blog entries, calls, e-mails, etc.

1 comment:

Janette said...

Woo Hoo! Good for you guys and about time!

So I'm dying to know on which line and to!

And of course Tante Janette volunteers to check in on her nephews during the trip.