Zoe Pig gets a clean cage
and then dirties it.
I guess that's the circle of life in captivity, huh? I feed the pig, the pig poops in the cage, I clean the cage, and then it starts all over again.
Happy Valentine's Day!
I came home from work tonight, and there were roses on our counter. Red ones. I didn't think you could actually get those in the month of February. Guess I was wrong! I went in the bedroom to kiss Scott hello, poked him, flopped on the bed, and kissed him on the cheek, but he never even twitched. That must mean these early shifts are finally starting to get to him. I guess I'll have to wait til he gets off work today to thank him.
It's a Girl!
I believe I have thus far failed to mention the new addition to our family. Since she's arriving tomorrow, and since I have pictures (already? sheesh...I must be good!), I thought now would be a good time to announce that we're getting a guinea pig.
We're Going on a Cruise!
Wait...isn't this old news? No!!!! I got a super cut-rate discount cruise today that happens to be over my birthday - departing on the 2nd, returning early enough on the 5th to catch a nap before the Oscars. We already had the vacation time reserved, so we went for it. Of course, this means Scott's new TV is going to have to wait a few more months, but I'm so excited!!! Only 17 days!!! As of now, we still plan on taking the longer one (4 night -- the one next month is a 3 night) in December for our anniversary. My goal for the year was to get the heck out of Central Florida and by golly, we're doing it! If only I could remember where my birth certificate is...
And Finally...
Being here in Florida, not buried by 2 feet of snow, I try to not really say that it's cold. But when I left work tonight, there was a solid coating of permafrost (this was some thick frost!) over my entire car. I had to let it run with the vent on high heat, full-blast for five minutes before there was a big enough hole in the ice to see through to drive. No matter where you are, 30 degrees is cold. And when Florida gets that cold and the oranges freeze, who is going to supply the rest of the country with flu-easing orange juice? brrr
I'm fairly confident that right now Eric is having some kind of "what do we do now?" conference with the bosses. Hopefully we'll all come to the same conclusion so that we can get on with our lives quickly and never have to see eachother again.