
11 February, 2006

Wrong Filter

So I called the transmission guys back at 11:00. (you know, since the car was supposed to be ready "in an hour" from 8:00) Imagine my surprise when Mike said that they had the wrong filters, and they have to wait for the supplier to open on Monday to get the part. He actually said the car takes a "screwball" filter that even the auto parts store at the other end of the strip mall doesn't carry. This, of course, means that the car will not be ready until Monday. And since Scott is working at 7am on Monday, I don't even know when I'll be able to get it back.

I also asked Mike the all-important money question. He didn't know, but promised to have Eric call me back. Imagine my surprise when I came back from the store and actually had a message from Eric on my phone. The total for parts came to "$530, but I'll round it down to $500." Well thanks for your freakin' generosity!

I don't know if they did anything with the radiator or not. If they didn't (which I assume), then I still need to find a reputable mechanic to take a look at it. Apparently it's cracked somewhere. So in case anyone is keeping track, the total I've paid to these bozos in the past few months is currently $1902. After this $500, it'll be up to at least $2402, (more if the $500 doesn't include tax). I'm starting to wonder what a new transmission from the dealership would've cost in the first place. Keep in mind that I still need to get my brakes taken care of. I should probably take care of that this week on one of my days off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Forget the BBB

go down there with a BB gun! And I know just the pastor to supply it! Unless, of course, you just want to call Dick Cheney!