
07 February, 2006

When WAS This Great Flood?

Well, when I WENT TO SEE ERIC because he didn't call me back this afternoon, he said he thinks that the water that had gotten in the transmission from this supposed cracked radiator must've done quite a bit of damage.

Based on what I told him, he says the clutch is probably shot and lord knows what else is corroded or otherwise damaged. He seemed awfully put out that he'd actually have to take the transmission out and check it all.

I guess this explains how they got the car back to me so quickly the last time. They found one problem and fixed it. They didn't really look very hard.

I wonder what they think I'm going to pay. In the original diagnostic of all of the transmission repairs that needed to be made. Water was never mentioned. If the radiator is cracked, I'm quite certain that they cracked it... possibly around the same time that they removed the center console of my car for no apparent reason.

So here's the game plan: I'm not thinking about the car at all until Wednesday. In fact, I'm going to turn my phone off and leave it at home. On Wednesday when I haven't heard anything, I'll call. I may rant. Sadly, as furious as I am, my job really has me conditioned to not raise my voice and to be polite no matter what. I have a feeling that Eric thinks I'm docile. He needs to stop pushing me around. And I may need to raise my voice.

But I'm not thinking about it for the next 36 hours. So don't ask.

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