
15 February, 2006

Crisis Averted

I found my birth certificate folded inside a copy of our marriage license in a "hurricane proof" rubbermaid box in the bottom of our bedroom closet. I couldn't look there last night because Scott was already asleep. It was actually a pretty logical place to look - much more logical than the glove compartment of my car (which is where my baptism certificate is!).

On the bright side, while tearing apart the living room last night, I found a book I think I got for my birthday last year from Shirley or Janette. It looks amusing... can't figure out why I never read it... probably because it was still in the gift bag it came in. I also came across two expired Disney tickets, the memory card for my camera, and a handful of wedding cards.

Our storage bins really need to be cleaned out!

On the bright side, I think I can start packing now... or at least start planning.


Janette said...

Hmm, what's the name of it? I remember giving you book AT Christmas but stressed that it WASN'T a Christmas present (being used and all). I had read it, found it amusing and thought you would enjoy it so I passed it on. For the life of me I can't remember what it was. All day I pictured Einstein on the front of it but it just occured to me that he was on the cover of the journal you gave me, so that's not it.

Seriously, I can't remember the name of the book. Tell me, it's driving me nuts!

Anonymous said...

YAAAAAAAA! You're going to go bye bye's on the boat! Woo HOOOO

Jamie the ParkHopper said...

It's called the Broke Diaries, and reads exactly like a blog. So... umm... I'm almost done if you want it back... sorry I held it hostage for so long!!

Janette said...

Ahh yes, I remember it now ~ VERY FUNNY!

Nope, I don't need it back. Pass it on to a broke (or formerly broke) friend who might relate to it as much as I did.